Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Jul 1: "This is a very important message for people between the ages of forty and eight-five" burial plan scam

Woman's voice: "Hello. This is a very important message for people between the ages of forty and eighty-five. Are you prepared for the final expenses in your life? Most of us are not. And it usually leaves a financial burden on our loved ones for funeral home and burial expenses. This burial plan can be issued regardless of age or health. Includes a free five thousand dollar policy for grandchildren. Free accidental death benefits for you. And can provide you with peace of mind. For as little as a dollar per day. You must have a checking or savings account to qualify for the plan. To receive a free quote from the final expense representative, please press the number one key on your phone now. Or press nine to be taken off our list for future calling."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps you can use this:

It creates fake information you can give telemarketers. I don't know if it's legal or not though.

July 06, 2009 4:26 PM  

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