Tuesday, June 08, 2004

T-Mobile wants to give me a Nokia phone

He said, "Isn't that great?" many times. "Blah blah blah. Ok?" "Blah blah blah. Absolutely free." "Blah blah blah. Isn't that great?" I said that I'm not interested. "Blah blah blah. Absolutely free." I told him that I wasn't interested three more times. He asked if I knew if any family members would be interested. I said no.

He also sounded like he was from some country other than the U.S. It seems to me like a lot of telemarketing is being done offshore. For example, I got two calls from some mortgage finance outfits. They may have been the same one. When I picked up the phone, there was background noise like in a large room with lots of people talking. Then, the telemarketers gave me their names. One said he was Philip Jones. The other said she was Nora Andrews. They sounded like Apu and Manjula, though. I think they were calling from India with faked up names.


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