Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Chinese telemarketers

Since I have a Chinese name, I've been getting telemarketers calling me and speaking Chinese for the last fourteen years or so. Mostly they are phone companies, because they say AT&T or MCI in the middle of the Chinese. Since I do not speak Chinese, I've recently decided to simply say nothing. They usually are pretty quick to hang up.

There was also this other man. I assume he is a white man. He was trying to solicit donations for something or another. He had my name. After I said no thank you to his multiple attempts at cajoling and guilt-tripping, he said, "[my name], this is America. And in America, we help each other." I said no thank you again. But thinking back now, maybe I should have put on a phony-baloney Asian immigrant accent and said something like "Oh! Dees Amelica. You teremarkta. An Amelican ar wan keer teremarkta." He eventually gave up and hung up. I think I said no thank you more than a half dozen times.


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