Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mar 11: Recording of crap from the "National Campaign to Restore Morals and Values"

"...ups(?). This is a very important message from the National Campaign to Restore Morals and Values. 1-877-266-6277. Would you like to know how many violent sex offenders live in your surrounding area? Would you also like to know what they look like, their names, what crimes they've committed against children? Press one now. Did you know that one in five girls and one in six boys will be molested before their eighteenth birthday? Please press one now to help. These statistics, as shocking and disturbing as they are, represent the reality that American children face today. Please press one to comment now."

The beginning of the recording was spewed before the answering machine started recording, so I don't know what additional crap was part of that call. If this type of crap is permitted by the Do Not Call List legislation, then the DNC legislation is pretty lame.

Ok. According to the Wikipedia article, this is a deceptive telemarketing scam, and the beginning of the recording is probably "Please don't hang up." Also, the "National Campaign to Restore Morals and Values" is a phone company that is violating the DNC legislation.


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