Nov 29: Recording of "claim your vacation" scam
"...partment. We are trying to reach you. The entry form that you or one of your family members filled out has been chosen. You have won. Congratulations. Press one to claim your vacation now. You will be spending six days on a beautiful beach in Cancun, and it's all inclusive. So press one now, and enjoy white sand and blue ocean of Cancun."
31. July 2008 - I (Peter K) also received the following message:
"Hi this is Rachel. We are trying to reach you. The entry form that you or one of your family members filled out has been chosen. You have won. Congratulations. Press one to claim your vacation now. You will be spending six days on a beautiful beach in Cancun, and it's all inclusive. So press one now, and enjoy white sand and blue ocean of Cancun."
PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING ABOUT SUCH CALLS: If you just hang up, and want to dial out to call some one - YOU CAN'T. The calling party blocks your phone - pick up the receiver after 5 minutes and the message is still being repeated. This goes on for about 8-10 minutes. SO IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE MOBILE PHONE - YOU WOULD BE UNABLE TO CALL THE EMERGENCY SERVICES - IF A MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY SUDDENLY HAS A HEART ATTACK. SO THE DREADFUL THING ABOUT THESE TYPES OF CALLS - THEY COULD CAUSE A FATALITY.
I just got one of there exact calls. Melb, Australia.
Hi there, what happens if you press nine (as mine would have me do)? Do they withdraw somethiing from your phonebill? Thanks and merry christmas:-) Nik
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