Monday, November 21, 2005

Nov 21: Answering machine spam: Recording of Tom with Pacific Mortgage

This recording is trying to be deceptive. I'm sure it's a recording, and not someone actually trying to call me and getting an answering machine.

"Oh hi. This is Tom with Pacific Mortgage. Sorry I missed you. I'm calling today because, according to public records, you're currently paying on a mortgage that was taken out when rates were much higher than they are right now. So, based on the information I have, you are someone that we think we can greatly help, especially in lowering your monthly payment. At the very least, I guarantee that I do have vital information to share with you. I'm sorry we missed each other, so please give me a call toll free at 1-877-611-6663 by 8pm either today or tomorrow. And also by acting now, you may be able to skip your next two mortgage payments. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Again, this is Tom, and my number is 1-877-611-6663."


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