Jan 31: Recording of credit scam from "Brent" from several radio programs
"Hi. This is Brent. As you know we've put it on the air talking about the fed cutting interest rates for several months now, and uh today, they did this, did just that. Uh, the perfect opportunity to get out of your adjustable loan. Uh, I'll be talking more about the fed cut today on several radio programs. But actually, one's going to be uh online if you'd like to listen. It's KFAX, K F A X dot com, at four thirty. That's going to be the longest show I'll be on. Uh, but also, uh if you'd like to give us a call here and beat the rush, it's 800-986-5575. Uh, appraisers and underwriters of course are getting uh busy with all the increased activity, so, uh, if you have any questions, give us a call on that 800-986-5575 and we'll be happy to give a free report out to you too, we just wrote about improving your credit scores and ways to get the uh best rates that are possible out there in this, in this market and the opportunity that exists today. Uh, so give us a jingle. 800-985-5575. Thanks a lot."
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