Friday, June 09, 2006

Jun 9: Recording of "Please don't hang up"

This recording has called May 23 and Jun 9.

"Please don't hang up. If you are one of the millions of Americans with over $5000 in unsecured credit card debt, and are paying high interest rates and FEES, then YOU need to know that there IS help available. Our non-profit hotline will assist you by conSOLidating your debt into one low monthly payment. Through this process, we CAN reduce your creditor's interest rate to as low as 2.5%, and cut monthly payments by over 50% without negatively affecting your credit rating. That's HALF of what you're paying NOW. The call is completely free confidential, and can be conducted from your home right now in less than twenty minutes. All you need to get started is a steady income and the initiative to imPROVE your financial situation. So if you would like to reduce your debt, improve your credit, STOP the collection calls, and start saving YOUR money, RATHER than paying it to the credit card companies, press ONE NOW. If you wish to be removed from this and all future programs, then press two."

"If you would like to... STOP the collection calls". FOAD.


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