Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mar 9: Answering machine spam: Recording of Tommy Compuzano with HSM

This recording has called Mar 9.

"Hi. This is Tommy Compuzano with HSM. I'm calling you because uh we hope you put your loan in the past where you DID business with one of our affiliated companies. By the way, the number is 800-514-0653. And anyway, I'm calling because we're introducing to a brand new loan program, one's called the equity advantage loan? The bottom line is that no matter your credit score, 500, 400, or even lower, as long as you have equity in the home, we can still do it. Uh. This one's exclusive and only available through us, and the SECOND loan is called the bases loaded loan. This is pretty amazing. It works like those 1% loans you may have uh heard about except you don't have all the risk of your payment climbing every month. Um uh because your PAYment can be fixed for up to ten years, so every 100,000 borrowed would equal about 474 per month, so to find out uh yet exactly what your payments would be, call me at 800-514-0653, and whether or not we're able help you, we'll give your number system to a quarterly credit review program and in this day and age you just can't afford not to monitor, manage and improve your credit, so I'll look for"

So, just what are those "affiliated companies" that he's hoping I did business with? Does having my phone number in some telemarketer list mean I've "done business" what any company that has that list?

And why the abrupt cutoff at the end?

And it was difficult to understand what he was saying because the recording quality was horrible.


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