Thursday, October 13, 2005

Oct 12: Answering machine spam: Recording of William Harrison with "the financial department"

This recording has now called on the Sept 2, 6, 20, 21, 22, 29, and Oct 12.

"Hello. This is William Harrison in the financial department? I'm following up with you on your current loan? Based on your payment history, you've been preselected for a lower interest rate? Possibly as low as 1% on your current mortgage? Please press 1 to speak to a loan specialist? Again, please press 1 to speak to a loan specialist. Or press 2 to be removed from our list."

I don't know what his "following up on your current loan" bullshit is supposed to mean. I'll just assume it's the apparently standard telemarketer practice of using deceptive language.


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